List of Active Roblox Jailbreak Codes & ATMs Locations (February 2025)

Use any of these Roblox Jailbreak Codes in the ATM to get Cash, XP, Rocket Fuel, Tokens, Armor Skin and many other amazing rewards. Redeem any of these immediately because these don’t last long! This list up to date so if you have missed any codes and they are expired now, come back tomorrow and check the list again.

Roblox Jailbreak Codes & ATMs

We posted two lists of Roblox Jailbreak Codes which you can use in the ATM to get Cash, XP, Tokens or unlock specific items. For those who don’t know, this is a prison escape game created on 1/6/2017 by the game development studio Badimo. Furthermore, at this game the player can take part in two different roles: start playing as a prisoner who will try to escape from the jail and became popular criminal or play as a police officer who will stop robberies and put criminals in jail.

What are Jailbreak Codes?

These codes are not case-sensitive. For example if you use the code “ThreeBillionParty” you can enter it in your Jailbreak account like “threebillionparty”, “Threebillionparty”, threebillionpartY” etc. To clarify the big letters are not important. The only important thing is to write the same word as it is. Capitalization is not important.

Up to Date List

Our website provides two lists of codes for this popular prison-escape game. Therefore, in the first list are all active promotions and in the second list you can see the expired ones.

Valid Codes

Below is a table with all active Roblox Jailbreak Codes. We put code in this table once we notice that there is a new code released by the official developers.

Note: There are not any active codes at this moment. Come back tomorrow to see if there is any new promotion.


Expired Codes

Every time any code has expired and became inactive we add it in the table below. We are doing this to save you some time. You can see all expired codes in the table below.

threeyearsRedeem this Code to get 10,000 CashEXPIRED
onehourUse this Code to get 25,000 CashEXPIRED
countdownApply this Code to get 5,000 CashEXPIRED
jetmissilesGet 10,000 CashEXPIRED
SuperReaderYou will get 3,000 CashEXPIRED
feb2020Redeem this Code to get 10,000 CashEXPIRED
healthyThis Code will give you 7,500 CashEXPIRED
threebillionpartyUse it and get 3 Billion TireEXPIRED
stayhealthyUse it to get 5,000 Cash in your accountEXPIRED
minimustangYou will get 10,000 Cash if you redeem this CodeEXPIRED
leavesRedeem this Code to get 5,000 CashEXPIRED
refreshedGet 7,500 CashEXPIRED
reachfortheskyRedeem this Code to get 7,500 CashEXPIRED
jailbreaktwoyearsGet 8.500 Cash when your Redeem this CodeEXPIRED
LIGHTUse this Code to get 2,500 CashEXPIRED
WEWILLTAKEOVErUse this Code to get Armor and Texture SkinEXPIRED
Facebook1000Redeem this Code to get 5,000 CashEXPIRED
SickDayGet 8.000 Cash as a RewardEXPIRED
JAILBREAKHDRedeem this Code to get 3,000 CashEXPIRED
TenKUse this Code to get 10,000 CashEXPIRED
testRedeem this Code to get 1,000 CashEXPIRED
THANKYOURedeem this Code to get 2,500 CashEXPIRED
QUANTUMRedeem this Code to get 5,000 CashEXPIRED
EXPERTREADERUse this Code to get 5,000 CashEXPIRED
ROYALEYou will get 1 Royale Token when you Redeem this CodeEXPIRED
MovieMintGet 6,500 CashEXPIRED

How to Redeem Jailbreak Codes in the ATMs?

Below are some super-easy steps you need to follow if you want to learn how to redeem Codes in this game. Before we start with the steps you should know that you can redeem Jailbreak Codes only if you are near any ATM. However, it is not easy to come near the ATMs if start playing as a prisoner. Therefore, if you are a newbie in this game it is much more better to switch the roles and start playing as a police officer. Only in that way you can visit the ATMs easier.

There are five different locations in Jailbreak where you can find ATM:

  • Bank;
  • Gas Station 1;
  • Train Station 1;
  • Police Station 1;
  • Police Station 2.

Furthermore, please follow the steps below to enter any Codes in this game and get a reward.

  • Login to your Roblox Jailbreak account using the official website or app.
  • After that, as we mentioned earlier, you should find any ATM. Once you are near the ATM a black box will show up. It is titled “Enter Code” and you should write your code in the empty field.
  • In the end you should click the redeem button to claim your reward.

Below are two images of this process. In the first image you can see the ATM location and in the second one you can see the black box, empty field and the redeem button.

Roblox Jailbreak Codes
Roblox Jailbreak Codes and ATMs Location

Please contact us if you have any troubles during this process. In addition it is very easy but you must follow the steps very carefully.

More Codes for other Popular Roblox Games

We have thousands of other lists with valid promotions for so many other Roblox Games. Therefore, if you play any other popular game as this one, make sure to visit our page with lists of Codes for Roblox Games. Our website keeps all these lists up to date with many new promotions for various games.

Please let us know in the comment section if you have any new valid code for this amazing Roblox game.

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