Murder Mystery 2 Codes – Latest Active Promotions (February 2025)

Check the full list of all active Murder Mystery 2 Codes and use any code to unlock premium knives and many other great rewards in this Roblox game.

Murder Mystery 2 Codes – Complete List

Our website provides up to date list of Roblox Murder Mystery 2 Codes. Furthermore, this is one popular horror game at Roblox created by @NikilisRBX. Currently, this game has 2.6 billion visits and more than 8 millions favorites at the official Roblox website. In this game you can play as a innocent person, sheriff or murderer. If you play the game as a innocent person you should run and hide from the murderer. If you play as sheriff, you should try to eliminate the murderer. The last role is to play as a murderer who should try to kill everyone in order to win the round.

Below are two lists of codes. Furthermore, in the first list you can see all active codes for MM2 and in the second list you can see the all expired promotions.

Active Codes for Murder Mystery 2

Check the table below to see all active codes for this game. These usually don’t last long so make sure to act fast and redeem any before they expire.

COMB4T2Redeem this Code to Get Free Combat II KnifeACTIVE

Expired Codes

The promotions in the list below have expired. They have been deactivated by the developers and you cannot use them anymore.

PRISMRedeem this Code to Get Free Silver KnifeEXPIRED
AL3XRedeem this Code to Get Free Purple KnifeEXPIRED
CORLApply this Code to Get a Blue KnifeEXPIRED
SK3TCHApply this Code to Get a Free Orange KnifeEXPIRED
SUBoUse this Code to Get Free Green KnifeEXPIRED
D3NISUse this Code to Get Dark Blue KnifeEXPIRED

How to use Codes in Murder Mystery 2?

Below are posted some steps which will show you how to redeem promotions in Murder Mystery 2 and get a reward in your Roblox account.

Follow these steps:

  • Launch Murder Mystery 2 through the launcher at the official website or using the app.
  • After that take a look on your left side. You should locate and click the brown button titled “Inventory”.
  • Furthermore, you will easily notice one empty box where you should write your code. Therefore, enter any active code and hit that redeem button.
  • In the end you will see a success message with some information about the reward and a big blue “Claim” button. To finish the process click this button and you will claim your reward instantly.

Below you can see three images which explain these steps. Furthermore, in the first image you can see the location of the inventory button. In the second image are included the empty field where you should enter your code and the redeem button you need to click. The last image includes information about the reward and the blue claim button. We have used our official Roblox profile @tornadocodes to redeem the code “COMB4T2”. Therefore, we got Combat II Knife in our Murder Mystery 2 account for using this code.

Murder Mystery 2 Codes
Roblox Murder Mystery 2 Codes
Murder Mystery 2 Codes for Knives

That is all to say about the Codes in Roblox Murder Mystery 2. If you have any questions about this game please send us a message through our contact page. Our contact support will respond you shortly.

More Codes for Similar Roblox Games

Our website provides a lot of other codes for so many popular games. Therefore, if you play any other game at this online multiplayer gaming platform make sure to visit the pages from the main menu. There are list of codes for so many popular games. Best of all we keep these lists always up to date with only working promotions. To clarify that’s the main mission of Tornado Codes – to serve on the players and always deliver the most recent and valid promotions.

Please let us know if you have any new code for this amazing game.

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